Cross-border behavior exists in many degrees. From stupidly annoying to deeply traumatic. Sometimes its a one-off, sometimes it keeps coming back and this makes you doubt whether you shouldnt do something with it. Because every situation is different, and personal, we want to offer more than a form and an email address. The app #zouikwatsay? stems from the desire to contribute to a positive change in the workplace of hospitals by making cross-border behavior a subject for discussion, starting with ourselves. We want to show that we stand for a safe study and working environment. Safety does not arise from regulations, but from dialogue: getting to know your own limits and those of others, and respecting them.This app is an initiative of the VU Faculty of Medicine, affiliated with Amsterdam UMC, and aims to reduce inappropriate behavior in the workplace.The app is now in use for all students and/or employees of the Amsterdam MC, Erasmus MC, Albert Schweitzer Hospital and the HMC. The medical faculties of the UvA, VU and Erasmus University also use the app.